Winter Oct 2021 - Mar 2022                                                                                                         Comox, BC
With the pandemic still impacting life as we know it, we again spent the winter at Cape Lazo RV Park in Comox, BC.

On Oct 6, Doug visited his old chum in 100 Mile House. Click here to have a look.

The views along the seafront walk to Point Holmes are lovely, especially on a sunny October day.
On Christmas day, it was brighter, but still a lot of snow.
But then on Dec 24, we awoke to this!
A pot of my home-made "Diablo" chilli sent the winter chill scurrying on its way!
On Dec 6, winter started.
Fortunately, a few days later the ocean looked more like it should.
As we have been pretty much stationary since the pandemic started, we decided a little greenery was in order.

We had quite a stretch of rainy weather towards the end of October. As a result, the ocean turned brown!
Here's Jen enjoying the sunshine in mid-October at our site at the park.
And even better, in late February, the snowdrops signal spring is just around the corner!
Mini-daffs in late January help chase the winter blues away!
By mid-January, the snow was gone - hopefully for good! We drove up island to Campbell River and enjoyed a coffee at Foggdukkers Coffee on the beach. Still no inside seating due to the pandemic, so we enjoyed our coffee in the van.
Campbell River has a really nice beach-front walk that we've strolled every time we've visited. Today was no exception.
So far this winter, we've had a lot of windstorms. Most of them just blow themselves out; however, this one tore a branch from a tree in front of the park office.
The seafront certainly looked pretty.
Lazo Road, in front of the park, was snow-covered.
In mid-March, a package arrived from my old friend John in Ottawa. He's hooked on wooden jigsaw puzzles; had a spare one, and asked if we would like to give it a try. It took a few days to get it done (Jen did most of the work), but it sure looked good. This picture, on top of the box, is of the finished puzzle - the only "clue" you get - devious!!
Reminded us of the old Hitchcock movie "The Birds" (1963!!).

On April 1, we left Cape Lazo.
At the end of March, we visited Point Holmes. Birds were everywhere. We'd never seen so many. We just couldn't figure out what was going on.