Saturday, June 4                                                                                                                          Creston, BC
This morning, between the misty rain drops, we drove a short distance to the Farmer's Market. We were somewhat surprised when we came upon the Market, before we got to where it used to be.

Over a tasty coffee, chatting with the proprietor, we learned that Creston is renovating the old market area. I was told there was information on the town's website - I looked but could not find anything.

I apologize for just taking 1 picture. For what it's worth, here is the market.
A mere shadow of what we remember from our last visit three years ago. Perhaps as the summer gets going, and the new Market area is finished, I'll be able to take a few more exciting pictures.

After a brief look around, and that nice coffee, we took a stroll along the rail line. Looking back towards the Market area, you can just see Alfie peeking out from between the trees.
Looking the other way as we continue our walk.
As you can see from the pictures, the weather was a little iffy. But we managed, for the most part, to stay dry. I sure hope the weather improves as we have had enough rain!
Later in the afternoon, we went for a short walk around the neighbourhood. 

Directly across the road from Scotties is the Columbia Brewery. They have a major expansion happening. 
Just a little further along, you can see the two wooden grain elevators.